Thursday, September 16, 2010

What I learned about myself today...

... was that I take on too much! I have been in a tizzy the last two weeks, helping organize a fundraising dinner, helping organize a meeting for the District Association of the NDP, repairing our house to get it ready for new tenants, and trying to see as many of our friends as possible before we leave for six months starting on 25 September. I have never made so many phone calls in such a short period of time. Now, I have to make a resolution, and stick to it, that I will not get  involved in a hands-on way with so many activities. I am not indispensable (even though flattery that I am has worked on me in the past), and I need to start acting my age.

(I've just re-read this post, and while it puts me in an unfavourable light, I'm going to leave it!)

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